Popee the Performer Wiki
Popee the Performer Wiki


  1. Be respectful. Don't be intentionally harmful to others and respect the idea that this is a place for information. Don't make fun of other people's fanmade content (that wasn't made ironically) or ridicule people's shipping preferences.
  2. Do not vandalize the wiki. Example: changing Papi's role to Daddy, inserting gibberish/memes, deleting content from articles, etc. This is a blockable/bannable offense. The severity of the block depends on the damage done. (Read below)
  3. Do not create pages in other languages. This wiki is intended to be in English. Your page will be deleted if it's in a different language. Comments can be in any language.
  4. Do not change Popee or Eepop's gender. Their gender is unknown and there are sources for this which are included in their respective articles. Ignoring this rule will result in a warning, then a temporary ban followed by a longer ban if necessary.
  5. If you have additional info to add, please provide a source or reference!
  6. If you have an issue with another contributor, please discuss it with them in private.
  7. Don't make unnecessary pages or pages for your OCs. Instead, post them on the discussion board! (Definition of unnecessary pages: A page dedicated to Popee's drums, a navigation page that's unnecessary because of category pages (there are exceptions to this), etc.) Pages MUST be related to Popee the Performer and canon or related material.
  8. Don't be inappropriate or abusive. Coarse language is allowed, but making sexual comments and suggestions isn't.
  9. Do not threaten or harass another contributor (death threats, unwanted comments, threats of personal harm, etc.)
  10. Do not insert fanart into galleries. Instead, post them in the comments or on the discussion board!

In most cases, if a rule has been broken, I will post on your wall giving you a warning and telling you that you've gone against the policy. Continued offenses will cause me to block you from the wiki. The exception is vandalism, which will always earn you at least a very short block depending on what it was.

The length of the block varies from case to case, depending on how many warnings you've received and how severe your behavior is.

The exceptions to this are intentionally malicious behavior and excessive vandalism—you will be outright blocked for up to a year with no warning for extreme vandalism, but I will post on your wall explaining why I've blocked you otherwise.

Defining Vandalism

Extreme/excessive vandalism is defined here as follows:

  1. Changing all of the language in the article to nonsense/fanfiction/gibberish/removing all text.
  2. Inserting an excessive amount of memes/images that have nothing to do with the wiki.
  3. Removing everything on the article page.
  4. Getting into an excessive edit war with me when I remove opinions/wrong facts from articles I'm patrolling. (Ex: Changing someone's gender)

We haven't had to deal with any of that, yet, but the rules exist just to be clear about what the consequences are when/if rule breaking occurs. If anything is unclear post on my wall or on this article!
