Popee the Performer Wiki
Popee the Performer Wiki


Welcome to the Popee the Performer wiki!

Popee the Performer is an early 2000's CG kids' show, produced by ZUIYO Co, LTD. for the children's network Kids Station in Japan. Spanning three seasons, each episodes is roughly 5 minutes in length, with it's original run lasting from January of 2000 to December of 2001.

Before editing, please read our policy and our editing guidelines to ensure a smooth experience and to keep this wiki clean and friendly.

Important articles






External links
Ryuji Masuda's old website (Via the Wayback Machine)

Ryuji Masuda's WebsiteKid's Station Webpage (Via the Wayback Machine)Columbia.jp Webpage
Ryuji Masuda's TwitterWakako Masuda's TwitterWakako Masuda's instagram

Ryuji Masuda wiki network


Click here for the full policy.

  1. Be respectful. Don't be intentionally harmful to others and respect the idea that this is a place for information.
  2. Do not vandalize the wiki. Example: changing Papi's role to Daddy, inserting gibberish/memes, deleting content from articles, etc. This is a blockable/bannable offense. The severity of the block depends on the damage done. (More info here)
  3. Do not create pages in other languages. This wiki is intended to be in English. Your page will be deleted if it's in a different language. Comments can be in any language.
  4. Do not change Popee or Eepop's gender. Ignoring this rule will result in a warning, then a temporary ban followed by a longer ban if necessary.
  5. If you have additional info to add, please provide a source or reference!
  6. If you have an issue with another contributor, please discuss it with them in private.
  7. Don't make unnecessary pages or pages for your OCs. Instead, post them on the discussion board! (Definition of unnecessary pages: A page dedicated to Popee's drums, a navigation page that's unnecessary because of category pages (there are exceptions to this), etc.) Pages MUST be related to Popee the Performer and canon or related material.
  8. Don't be inappropriate or abusive. Coarse language is allowed, but making sexual comments and suggestions isn't.
  9. Do not threaten or harass another contributor (death threats, unwanted comments, threats of personal harm, etc.)
  10. Do not insert fanart into galleries. Instead, post them in the comments or on the discussion board!

Community Messages

What's new on the wiki?

A few things!

There have been two recent announcements, one regarding a policy update and one regarding the addition of editing guidelines.

There is now a guide to purchasing Popee-related merchandise on the wiki!

As always, we have some areas that need contributing! Some episodes with their own pages need to have info boxes added to them and have more extensive information added. Check out the episode guide to see them! There's been a lot of work done, but we're not done yet!

  • Episodes in particular need airdates/original broadcast dates added to them! If you find airdates to add, remember to SOURCE!

ALL episodes are being proofread and edited to comply with the new editing guidelines.

(By the way! This wiki now has a discord server! Click here to join!)

Artie1helps (talk) 03:20, 13 June 2021 (UTC)
